Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Some of my Creations

I don't have any demos to give you, but here are a few things I made at school in the last few weeks.

Right now i'm in the Advanced Pattiserie and Baking class, and for the first week we made some cakes.

This is a chocolate ganache cake with hazelnut japonais, which is a meringue disk.

This is a lemon cake with lemon custard in the middle and lemon buttercream frosting.

Here is an ice sculpture a few of us made in class.

And my melon carving. This whole thing was done with a paring knife.


Anonymous said...

I can't get over how amazing that melon looks.

You're going to have to make one for the next pow-wow.

Gary Gnu said...

That watermelon is a tremendous sight. Too bad you have to eat it.